Along with our year-round discount Community Pass to Children's Museum & Theatre of Portland, we are now offering community discount passes to Southworth Planetarium in Portland. Contact the Library to reserve a day of your choice to visit these great and educational attractions!
To learn some interesting facts about our Library, check out this video, made in 2020, by Patrick Bonsant of SRCTV. It offers a nice introduction!
Attention: All e-book readers! If you haven't tried our FREE e-book service, CloudLibrary, please check it out! This is a wonderful addition to our Library's resources! Through this program, you can download e-books onto your device of preference. They are free and borrowed, just as you would borrow a regular library book. The book will be available for you to read from your device for a period of time and then, unless you renew it, will simply disappear from your device at the end of the borrowing period. *To use the program, all you need to do is this: Click on the "E-books" tab here on the Library's website. To log in, you will need your library card number from our Library. (If you don't know your number, contact us and we will give you your number.) You will then need to select your state, and also your library. Our library is listed as "Buxton: Berry Library". You should then be ready to select books and sign them out to your device. Happy Reading!